Hang Seng Index this day opened in 28,231.36 and reach
28,216.88 until this article is written. With the highest price 296.00 hold by
Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing Ltd. The price has opened in 297.00 and reached
their highest for the day at 299.40. Until the article was written, it down to 296.00.
The second high price is CK Hutchison Holding Ltd in 170.10. The price opened
in 169.400 and reached the highest at 170.200. Then it down 0.200 to 170.00.
The highest change of price is experienced by Sung
Ha Kai Properties Ltd with 4.80 percent change. The price opened in 130 and
climbed to 135.30 in stability. The Wharf Holding Ltd change 3.05 or 5.44
percent. The price opened in 56.450, reached the highest price in 58.900, and
down to 58.850. Then it climbed again to 59.10