Saturday, April 11, 2015

Preparing Exterior

Rainy and winter season come every year without doubt. A new built house may survive without any preparation. However, after two years of surviving hot, cold, windy, rainy, and winter a house most likely needs maintenance. Not as sturdy as the first time built the damage that will be brought by the seasons grow higher. Maintenance after damage can be done but the cost is higher than prevention before damage.
Most people have already known what to do to prevent critical damage for their house. Because, the damage will decrease the value of the house if suddenly it need to be sold or rent. Of course, the damage will reduce the cosiness for the owners who have lived there. Moreover, the unproven house damage from bad weather may cause death, likewise in several incidents. Prevention may not do a thing for typhoon damage but it absolutely save the residence from bad storm and strong wind.
Nevertheless, people tend to forget in preparing the exterior of their house. The exterior means the lawn or garden. Some may even think that the sturdiness of the house is enough, whatever the exterior brought after. This line of thinking can be included as an incorrect one. Because, even a falling branch can cause some damages for the owner property or a nearby. Protect yourself is not enough when you can protect other as well.
Some vital tasks may be need carried out to prepare a lawn or garden. We need to trim or prune all the trees and tall plants in the lawn. The taller, bigger, heavier, and lasher plants or tree will cause more damage than the lesser if they collapse in colliding with the storm. In addition, if there are branches that hang over our roof or the neighbour’s then cut or remove them immediately. Do not forget to check your lawn and remove all dead and rotting branches.
For smaller plant that are located around the yard, tie them securely on the ground with strong and durable ropes and stakes to prevent them get uprooted. We can also secure potted plants properly. The big can be secure by tied them in line with strong rope and the small potted plants can be secure by putting it inside the house or garage. As the home contracting and expert said that the flowerbeds and even turf  can be covered with some thick blankets or landscape clothes to protect them from strong wind, rain, and snowstorm sufficiently.
That is for plants. If there are some outdoor ‘can be picked’ furniture, then it will be recommended to pick them up and store them inside the garage or any other place that will not be hit by the wind. Well, the flying chair in storm will definitely cause damage for the property and get them destroyed.

Owning a property is not only a case of buy and sell but also the readiness to maintain. Therefore, our property will last the cosiness for long and not destroy other properties nearby.