Thursday, April 23, 2015

High Energy Cost Solutions?

High-energy cost has become attention. New England’s governor held a meeting on Thursday and agreed to cut it. They thought that oil and coal plants had to be retired in few years. To bring that in action, they plan to use renewal energy such as solar and wind energy.

Five of six region governors attended the meeting. Each brought their own objective and agreed to work across the region. The agreement reached because it would involve a little bit of everything.
They were considering range of energy choices to help energy cost. Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island are seeking power purchase agreements for hydropower or other types of renewal energy in one join effort. The Rode Island governor had proposed an infrastructure bank to centralize financing for friendly environmental public works.

The Vermont regulators are considering transmission lines that bring hydropower to transmission linking point to other areas in New England. Due to the region limited natural gas pipeline systems, which reach maximum capacity, make high energy cost. A construction is hard to take because of environmentalists  and some property owners oppositions. The opposition do not stop there, some protester even criticized the governor for advocating natural gas at an early session of the meeting. This can be understood, the governor has spent a lot for natural gas system and the bill will be stuck on ratepayers.